This is my assignment from last week, which was a layout featuring 2 point perspective. In all these assignments I try to make the perspective-y stuff secondary to whatever is going on, I dunno, I just like the human element and they don't have a lot of corners! This week I will have to put in all the tones and shadows with my grey markers, which I've gotten pretty comfortable with. They ain't so bad! Anyhoo, in the scene the young speedster has wrapped his '63 Austin Healey around the tree and the farm guy is pulling him from the wreckage. I did something fun with the car: I got some reference shots and drew one in the position I would need it in the layout. Then I tracing papered over it all the wreckage, then I applied that to the layout and used my microns over THAT layer! It took a while, but man, I'm happy with the results!
EDIT: Hey hey! Here is the finished version, markered and ready to roll. In the end I went in a completely different direction then I intended from the beginning. Please, continue to...