Here's this week's new painting, I should have another tomorrow, unless something horrible occurs to prevent my timely submission. In OTHER news, I have finally started an official webcomic based on one of my story ideas. The comic is based on a young woman with Healing abilities who decides she'd rather not spend her life as a village wise woman and sets out to seek her fortune traveling her world and having many adventures with various friends and allies, etc. There is a villain and chasing and excitements and dinosaurs and high tech action and primitive tribes and weird little peoples and all sorts of stuff! It's just going to be coming out as slow as molasses so you will have to hang in for a while before any of the exciting stuff I just mentioned rolls around. But hang in there! I'll make it worth your while. Without further ado, The Link:
A Vagrant Lifeand my new painting!
Edit: and the other new one!

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